Going to the Dogs
Pets, Travel

Going to the Dogs

As you may have guessed, this post is all about our dogs, Auggie and Kailani.  These dogs are such a blessing to us in so many ways and we spoil them in as many ways as possible.

We lost our previous dogs in 2015, 2016, and 2017 and I can assure you that it does not get easier.  While we grieved, we reminisced about how wonderful each of them were in their own special way.  We are eternally grateful that we were able to be there with our babies as they crossed over the rainbow bridge, holding and comforting them as tears streamed down our faces.  The silence around the house was deafening and we knew it was time to rescue new babies.

Rescue is My Favorite Breed

We rescued Auggie and Kailani from Hope For Pets after falling completely in love with them online.  These are the pictures that we found online as we began searching the local rescue sites.  Of course, there were tons of dogs that were adorable but these pictures spoke to us. Some of you will completely understand that comment. When you see a picture of dog that is looking for a family and you just KNOW that is the dog for you……that is how a picture speaks to you. And so it began.

Kailani, formally named Sadie, was approximately 6 months old when we adopted her.  Auggie, formally named Sweet Pea, was approximately 6 weeks old when we adopted her.

We filled out applications and waited for everything to be reviewed. Hope For Pets did all of their homework to make sure these babies were being sent to a loving and secure home. Once we received word of the approval, we immediately went shopping for new toys, blankets, dog beds, and puppy food. On adoption day, we met Hope For Pets at PetSmart and signed all the paperwork.  Kailani and Auggie met us, and each other, for the first time on that beautiful September 2017 day.



Hawaii is near and dear to my heart and it only seemed fitting bring it into the naming of my dog.  Kailani is a Hawaiian name meaning sea and sky. As to be expected, she was cautious and timid when she first arrived at her new home but she immediately recognized that the dog bed and toys were for her.  After a few days, she settled in and her loving nature blossomed.  Her main daily goal is to soak up as much sun and love as she can.


Many of you may have already known that Kai had heartworms.  I was terrified throughout her entire treatment but she is perfectly fine now and continues to test negative for heartworms each year.  She adores running in the backyard, vising dog parks, sleeping on the couch, and going on vacation. Her spunky personality makes me laugh and her loving nature makes my heart sing. She quickly learns anything we teach her.


Auggie is name that holds special meaning to Kym.  She was still a puppy when we adopted her so coming to a new home and meeting a new family didn’t seem to faze her. She adapted quickly and formed an instant bond with Kai when we brought them home. Auggie was immediately a ball of fire and love with energy that absolutely could not be contained.

Auggie has the most joyful personality. Her goal in life is to share her happiness and love with everyone she comes in contact with. The physical reaction in her body when she finds a new person to shower her love on is unmistakable. She is the smartest dog I have ever, ever known.  In fact, I am confident that we are not challenging her enough. She has enormous heights that she will reach over her lifetime.


For the Love of Sisters

Dogs are completely accepting and recognized that we are family fairly quickly. Auggie was immediately enamored with Kai and looked to her as the big sister. Kai took that role with confidence. With Kai being 4 months older than Auggie, there were plenty of times that their play seemed rough but it was because of the size difference. I can assure you that Auggie is stronger because of it. They do not like being separated for any reason.

No matter where you find them, you will always find them together.

On the Road Again

From the first day, these two gorgeous dogs have enjoyed being with us everywhere we go.  They have spent countless hours riding around Longview with the wind blowing through their hair. They have been to multiple cities in several states.  I was amazed the first time we stayed in a hotel with them — neither one of them flinched as we strolled along the hallways and climbed into the small moving box (elevator).

We always enjoy the trip to the fullest.  We pack snacks, or lunch, and make several stops along the route.  Where we go doesn’t matter as long as we are together. Longer road trips are just a little harder because the dogs take turns sleeping.  I have no idea why they started this as there is plenty of room for both of them to lay down but they end up looking like the slowest game of whack-a-mole ever. Kai will lay down and take up most of the seat while Auggie sits up, looking very disgruntled.  Then Auggie will take over the majority of the seat while Kai sits up stares out the window. Seldom do they lay down together. On the rare occasions that they both lay down, Kym tries to grab a picture quickly.

Going to the Dogs

Hotel Rooms

Hotel rooms never seem like home unless you have your family and dogs with you. Kai and Auggie immediately get on the bed and get comfortable while we unpack.  The drive, the sight-seeing, and exploring always wears them out. We always cover the beds wherever we go so that we don’t create more work for the cleaning staff because of the dog hair.


Bark Box Monthly Fun

Kym found a super cute monthly box for the dogs and I have to tell you that we enjoy it as much as the dogs!  It’s Bark Box and it is such a wonderful treat every month.  There are multiple choices for different size dogs and there is an option to shop for treats or toys to add to your upcoming box.  Each month is different and generally geared towards the holiday of the month or specific theme.

If you want to give Bark Box a try, you can use my code http://www.barkbox.com/r/6N5WZSR87J.   If your dog is a master at destroying toys, make sure you check into the Super Chewer box.  Bark Box will tailor a box for your dog with feedback from you and if your dog destroys the toy they send, they will replace it free of charge.


Enjoy all that Life has to Offer

Going to the Dogs

One of the greatest joys of taking Auggie and Kai with us is ordering something off the menu for them.  They have grown accustomed to getting their puppuccino every time we go through Starbucks. It’s whipped cream in a small cup and it is free.  So, next time you go through Starbucks, make sure to order your baby a puppuccino and enjoy a coffee date with your best friend. Also remember that most all Starbucks patio’s are dog friendly but you cannot take them inside with you. I have multiple pics of these two lapping up puppuccinos but I will not bore you with repeated photos.

We love exploring puppy items at the places we like to go.  Shivers is such a fantastic place to go.  Their natural snow cones are beyond amazing and they have a pup cup. It costs $1 each and consists of snow cone ice with whipped topping. Its is such a fun experience to choose pup cup and a scrumptious snow cone – such as the Salty Sally, Brown Cow, or Strawberry Cream. Then we all enjoy a yummy natural snow cone while sitting on a blanket together, surrounded by laughter and happiness. If you haven’t already, I urge you to treat yourself to a Shivers Natural Snow cone and make sure to take time to play some frisbee or cornhole while you are there.

Going to the Dogs

Cupcakes……..we all love cupcakes!!  Smallcakes Cupcakery & Creamery in Longview has pupcakes and our dogs love them!  Although the SmallCakes cupcakes are huge and delicious, we don’t buy them often but we do regularly buy pupcakes because Kai and Auggie always light up when they get a box of goodies. They cost around $2.50 so it is worth it! There are multiple Smallcakes locations so if you aren’t in Longview, you should check out their locations page to see if you can find one near you.



I agree with what you are thinking……these dogs are spoiled. But I would say that I am more spoiled by the unconditional love and happiness that I receive from these dogs. My sincere wish is for everyone to have this type of spoiled life. I am a rescuer and I hope you will consider adopting a dog next time you are looking to expand your family. Save a life! Restore happiness for a dog, or cat, who is most likely at a shelter, or foster home, through no fault of their own. Many people have told me they want a specific breed and that is why they don’t rescue. They don’t realize that the shelters and fosters have purebred dogs. If you are looking for a specific breed, please search the shelters and look for breed-specific rescue groups, who are dedicated to rescuing and fostering specific breeds.

Above all else, open your heart and spoil your babies!  Spoil them with your time and all the love you can give them because all they want is to be with you. Dogs don’t need stuff, they only want your time, so slather them with your love and spend time with them.

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