Just Me

Answer the Phone!!

Hey my beautiful friends!!! Thanks so much for coming back!! I hope this gives you a chuckle!!

Ok, listen. I am not someone that talks to Siri or Alexa. It just feels awkward to me. I don’t like talking to automated customer service and I don’t like talking to Siri. With that in mind, let me tell you this story.

I got home from the gym and let the dogs out for a bit. Kym was at Blake’s track meet so I was home alone. I fed the dogs and decided to jump in the shower before cooking dinner. Literally the instant that I stepped into the shower my phone started ringing. I knew it was Kym because of the ringtone. CRAP!! My phone was sitting on the counter and I am peeking around the shower curtain, staring at the phone like I could get it to scooch closer by staring real hard at it. Apparently I was doing it wrong because the phone never moved. After a couple of seconds, I decided to try to answer the phone. Remember this – I don’t use Siri so I have no idea what she is capable of. In a naked panic attempt to answer the phone, I decided to ask Siri to answer the phone. But, it didn’t come out right.

I stood under the flow of my hot shower, peeking my head out around the curtain in the same way you would hide if someone came in the bathroom to talk to you. So, essentially, I am hiding my body from my phone. Now, I need to answer the phone without touching it – but I have no idea if that is even an option. I have to try. I start screaming my request because in my snap decisions, I concluded that Siri couldn’t hear well with all the shower noise. <phone ringing> ALEXA!! ANSWER THE PHONE!” <phone still ringing> “ALEXA!! ANSWER!!” <phone still ringing> “ALEXA! ON!” <phone still ringing> “ALEXA!! HELLO!?!?” <phone stopped ringing> Yay!! Obviously it worked. Now I have found the magic word! So, now I am speaking to Kym on the other line, right? Who knows…..I can’t hear her because the phone is across the room. I am still peeking around the shower curtain, glaring at this jerk phone that had the nerve to ring while I was trying to shower and I continue yelling because…..you guessed it……she probably can’t hear me over the shower noise. I just need to tell her what is going on & I will call her back, so I holler at the phone “I’M IN THE SHOWER! I WILL CALL YOU BACK!!!!”

Now I am smirking and patting myself on the back for being such a genius. I mean, it only took a few seconds to figure out how to answer my phone without hands!! I mean, my brain is firing on all cylinders!! YEAH BABY!! I lather up my hair and it hits me. HARD. I have that aha moment that generally happens in the shower. (Why do these moments of clarity happen in the shower?) Huge eye roll at myself here. I was screaming for ALEXA to answer the phone, not Siri. OMG! Alexa was in the living room and I doubt she knew what the heck was going on but I can almost sense her scoffing at the screaming idiot in the bathroom. Then it dawns on me that not only did Alexa not answer the phone, but I spent a good amount of time yelling out useless information to the walls of my bathroom because I was calling the wrong woman’s name. If it was going to work, I would have needed to ask SIRI to answer the phone, not Alexa.

This realization made me laugh so hard that I had to hold onto the wall to keep from falling over. This laughter lasted for the entire shower. When I finally finished and was able to get to my phone, I confirmed that Alexa did not answer my phone as I instructed her to do. Ugh, such a jerk!!!

I considered keeping this story to myself because no one other than me, Alexa, and Siri knew what happened. But what fun would that be?!?!?!?!

If there is a way to have Siri answer the phone when it is ringing, I would love to know.

Have a phenomenal day!!! You are loved, you are appreciated, and you make this world beautiful!!

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2 thoughts on “Answer the Phone!!

  1. You get that from your Grandma, remember how she couldn’t finish a joke or a story? Lol!

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