Food, Just Me, Relationships

Graduation is a Great Reason to Party!!

Sooooooo, my cousin Micheal graduated high school this May and graduation is always a great reason to have a party!! Amirite?!?!

He excelled through school with more credits and honors than I can possibly explain. I wouldn’t want to embarrass him or make him blush with this post, so I will skip the particulars and just say this….. his level of education and the excellence that he achieved by his high school graduation far exceeds what many people can do by the time they are 40 years old. I am beyond proud!! Way to go Micheal!!

It is well known that my family loves to party. We don’t have the opportunity to get together as much as we would like to, but when we do, STAND BACK!! From a very young age, I have loved to attend parties and spend time with friends. I remember a story that has been told several times by my mom.

Party Animal

When I was a little more than 2 years old, me and my mom went to visit with some of her friends. When mom turned around, I was gone. GONE!! She frantically started looking for me, calling my name, and everything you do when panicking because your child is missing. She started to walk around the neighborhood asking anyone if they had seen me. As she is walking, she hears some commotion. A party. She makes her way towards the party sounds, intent on asking them if they have seen young girl wandering around. When she gets there, she sees me…..already enjoying myself at this party! We didn’t know these people, but apparently I heard a party in full swing and decided to invite myself in. See?!?! Even from a young age, I’ve never needed a big reason to party. Hell, I didn’t even have the stipulation of needing to know the party-goers before attending a party!!

Micheal’s Graduation

I was unable to make it to his actual graduation to see him walk across the stage but there was no chance that I would miss all of his celebration. My aunt planned a party at her house so me and mom drove up that morning. The house was buzzing with people and the familiar feeling of love that always surrounds our family. Drew was in charge of grilling so the smell of a charcoal grill searing juicy hamburgers and hotdogs was wafting throughout the neighborhood, setting the party aroma.

Of course, my mom made cookies. I wanted to eat them on the way to the party but mom said NO! so rude!! :)~

Mom's graduation cookies

I learned how to play bocce ball during this party. It is the first time I have ever played and honestly……I was halfway through the game before I realized I was part of a team! ooops. Apparently I didn’t retain all the game information and I can tell you that it is harder than it looks!! I have no idea what I was thinking and I don’t think I am usually that bad at yard games, but here I was…..clearly playing without a clue.

Porch visit

Capturing everyone in the same picture is not easy. I used my panoramic option so there are parts that seem distorted. We sat on the porch, telling stories, laughing, and relishing the time with each other. Aunt Diane came out with popsicles for everyone. I don’t care how old you are, a popsicle is always a great treat when you are sitting outside enjoying time with your family on a warm day. You never outgrow popsicles!! Never.

We never have enough time. Use both hands to grab every opportunity you can to spend time with the people you love. Not every picture will be perfect, take pictures anyway. Not everyday will be amazing, enjoy the day anyway. Not every person is flawless, love them anyway!!

Micheal……congratulations on your achievements! I am completely astounded at all of your accomplishments and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for you.

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